Horses of Shivaji Maharaj

Horses which is use by  Shiivaji Maharaj

 Most of the people are known the horse Krishna as the one and only horse used by Shivaji Maharaj,but its  not true. Shivaji Maharaj used 7 horses in his life time. The horses used by Shivaji Maharaj were some Male horses and some Female horses. The horses used by Maharaj was the most superior breed available during those times. Mostly he used Bhimthadi breed horses. this horses are perfectly train to climb and across the Sayadris Mountains Range.

Shivaji Maharaj horses names were - 

Moti, Vishwas, Turangi, Garja, Indrangi, Ranbir, and Krishna.

  Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj horse army was known as Bargi or Cavalry .  A leader of the horse army was called as Shiledar.(1000 of horse under him). Shivaji Maharaj never allowed his solider to keep their own horse, because they get affection towards their horses, and if these horses died in war it lowered the morale of soldier. He is very smart enough to recognize this weakness and act to come up with a solution.


Shivaji Maharaj had used a white horse, this white horse was Krishna. as we all know Krishna was the last horse used by Shivaji Maharaj. Krishna the mare was his favourite horse. we never seen Shivaji Maharaj accompanied by a horse in any picture or in any statue of him. 

So friends we known that  Shivaji Maharaj love towards his Horses. during his life time he rode lots of horses among them Krishna mare and  one another horse name Vishwas, these two horses has references in History. when Maharaj makes a visit Horse field they used to say following shlok every time.

यस्याश्वास्तस्य राज्यं । यस्याश्वास्तस्य मेदिनी ॥
यस्याश्वास्तस्य सौख्यं । यस्याश्वास्तस्य साम्राज्यं ॥

Meaning : - I have this Kingdom - Happiness and everything just because of I have these horses with me.

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