Escape from Agra

                                       Great Escap from the Agra

                                  Aurangzeb Court

 Legendry Maratha warrior chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's grand and miraculous escape from the Agra fort 355 year ago us being commemorate in a unique way.

Shivaji received a letter from Emperor Aurangzeb inviting him to come to the Royal court at Agra. Shivaji had a hunch about the Emperor's intention, but accepted the invitation as he did not want it to appear that he was afraid of Aurangzeb. Shivaji on the suggestion of Jai Singh to meet Aurangzeb for sanctioning the treaty.Shivaji reached Agra on June 11, 1666, accompanied by his son and a small force. When he reached the Mughal durbar, Aurangzeb ignored him. He was made to stand in courtiers' row and this angered Shivaji and when he made his move he realised he was under house arrest.


For three months the condition did not change and then finally Shivaji planned an escape plan. He also gave away his elephants and horses after announcing that he had decided to become a fakir, then dressed up as a fakir. Shivaji and his son escaped the guest house by hiding in the baskets of sweet and fruit and moved towards Mathura. By leaving his son in trusted hands of his ally he shaved his moustaches and beard and finally after 60 days he reached Rajgad.
Hiroji farjand and Madari Meheter slept in place of Shivaji Maharaj and Sambhaji raje, when they were escaping in sweet basket/boxes.
On July 22, Shivaji and his nine year old son succeeded in their plan, making their getaway historic.

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