Shivaji's close Friends

 Shivba ke Savngadi

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja had many friends.

Dadoji Kondadeo

He was an administrator of the Poona jagir and the nearby Kondana fort. When Shahji moved Shivaji from Shivneri to Pune. It was here that his development was entrusted to Konddeo at the request of his mother, Jijabai. During this time Shivaji gradually developed the ambition to carve out an independent Hindu kingdom(swarajya).

Baji Prabhu Deshpande

He was a commander of Shivaji. He enabled Shivaji Maharaj's escape from Panhala fort by fighting till his last breath. He was a expert in using "Dand Patta" (weapon) At the time when siddhi joohar trapped chhatrapati shivaji maharaj on panhala fort he alone along with 100 mavlas fought in the battle of pavankhind and helped chhatrapati shivaji maharaj to reach vishalgad fort and didn't allow any enemy to reach to Chhatrapati Shivaji maharaj.

Tanaji Malusare

He was a military leader of Maratha. He is most famously known for his role in the Battle of Sinhagad in 1670. The fort of Kondhana was eventually conquered but in the process, Tanaji was gravely wounded and  losing his one hand in the same battle. Because of his bravery fort was captured by marathas.He had his son's marriage in coming few days after winning kondhana fort. But he died when he fighting on the battlefield. As a tribute to the bravery of Tanaji, the fort was renamed, Sinhagad (lion's fort) by Shivaji.

Chhatrapati shivaji maharaj had a very big friend circle who were ready to do anything for him.

Yesaji Kank 

Yesaji Kank was a childhood friend of Shivaji. Yesaji was born in the foothills of Rajgad. His father, Dadoji Kank, had served in the army of Shahaji.Kank was the head of the foot soldiers in the army of Shivaji, specializing in guerilla warfare techniques. From childhood until the death of Shivaji, he remained loyal to the crown, and played a major role in the Battel of Pratapgad. Kank was also part of a council meeting known as Sadar. He fought a drunken elephant for Shivaji Maharaj. Yesaji was one of the most trusted partners that Maharaj had. There are claims that he was seven feet tall.

Sambhaji Kavaji

Sambhaji Kavji was  bodyguards of Shivaji Maharaj who had entered in the tent with Shivaji Maharaj. Sambhaji Kavji had immense strength and built like Afzal Khan. He can easily bend a steal rod. Shivaji Maharaj choose him because he wanted someone with sheer power and muscles. Shivaji Maharaj had instructed him to never loose him out of sight but when Shivaji Maharaj di-sected Afjal Khan and Afzal Khan started running when his bodyguard Sayyad Banda engaged in fight with Shivaji Maharaj; he went after Afjal Khan and beheaded him. Maratha soldier who had a great influence in Afzal Khan and chhatrapati shivaji maharaj meet.

Baji pasalkar

He was the first warrior to sacrifice his life for cause of Swarajya and set an example for great warriors like Baji Prabhu, Farzand & Murarbaji. The story of Baji Pasalkar dates back to the events before the establishment of Swarajya and Shivaji Maharaj's coronation.

Murarbaji Deshpande

He is best remembered for his defense of the Purandar Fort against Dilir Khan, a Mughal general who accompanied Jai Singh I in the 17th-century siege on Purandar. mirza raje jaising attacked purandar fort he was the head of the fort and he fought with dilerkhan till his last breath. He had troubled a lot to dilerkhan by not allowing him to capture purandar fort. beautiful statue of Murarbaji Deshpande at Purandar Fort.

Shiva Kashid

He looked very closely like shivaji maharaj and helped him to escape securly from fort of panhala when siddhi johar trapped chhatrapati shivaji maharaj when he was on the fort. he got caught in the hand of siddhi johar as shivaji maharaj and real chhatrapati Shivaji maharaj escaped from other route.

Bahirji Naik

 Bahirji Naik's original name was Bhairavnath Jadhav. He was honoured by Shivaji with the title "Naik."   He doing great works in Intelligence. Number of the work of shivaji maharaj was done by this hero and his team. he was the  Indian spy of the maratha empire who usedbyo bring news to chhatrapati Shivaji maharaj.

Kondaji Farzand

He was the person who fought for capturing panhala fort with only 60 mavlas against a few thousands of enemies Recently a film was released which based on this great warrior named “Farzand”.

Sarnobat Netaji Palkar

He was the chief of army before Hambirao was. Also he was the uncle of Maharani Putalabai.He had great work in defeating Mirza raje jaising during the treaty of purandar.

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