Coronation of Shivaji Maharaj


The celebrations of Shivaji Maharaj Coronation  was conducted by Vishveshvara Bhatta popularly known as Gaga Bhatt from Varanasi. He is a master of the four Vedas and the six philosophies and all the Hindu scriptures. Coronation was include a specially organised march and programme at the Raigad fort situated in Mahad, Raigad district of   Maharashtra in India. The coronation ceremony of the Maratha warrior king was a grand affair as more than 50000 people attended the crowning ceremony of Shivaji Maharaj.  The coronation of Shivaji Maharaj was connected with the tradition of Rajyabhisheka as his heritage was connected to the Rajputs of Mewar. 

Raigad on 6 June 1674, Shivaji Maharaj was formally crowned the Chhatrapati of his realm.  A throne of 32 mann of gold was made for the ceremony. After that, he was called as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. 6 June, 1674 for the first time and on September 24, 1674, for the second time.


Two coronation because Shivaji had coronation twice because Barhmins of that time were opposed to crown Shivaji. According to Chaturvarna system only Kshtriyas and Brahmins who allowed to be a king and Shivaji Maharaj was Shudra so as Shudra Brahminical scriptures not accept him as a king. even after wining and establishing the large kingdom, Shivaji Raje was not considered or eligible for became a king by Kshtriyas and Brahmins. Not a single Brahmin was ready to do the coronational function of the Shudra Shivaji. So lots of the tribes would not follow him in battle because he was not a legitimate king duly crowned ,and Bramin's refusal to crown Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji offered ten times as much to a Brahman  called Gagabhat to perform the coronation ceremony. Even then also Brahman would not touch him with his hands to anoint his fore head instead he used his left toe. Gagabhatta did the Brahminical thing in falsely certifying that ancestors of Shivaji were Kshatriyas descended from the solar dynasty of Mewar. For all of this Shivaji pay large amount of money as well as gold and gift to Brahmin. 

Shivaji's mother Jijabai died on the 13th day after the coronation. Nishchalpuri Goswami another Brahmin declared that the original coronation had been held under inauspicious stars, Brahman who perform first coronation committed certain mistake in performing the rites and thats why second coronation was needed. This kind of attems by Brahmins to fool Shivaji again and earn money. So second coronation took place on 24 september 1674. Various gifts were distributed to Brahmins. In the history no one find any such case that same King is being coronated twice.

Discription of grand ceremoney of coronation:-

Shivaji sat on the throne adorned with emblems and other such auspicious materials. The priests chanted holy verses. The crowd sang praises; musical instruments were played and military artillery fired salvos simultaneously. Gaga Bhatt advanced and held the golden umbrella over Shivaji’s head. He was conferred upon the title of "Kshatriya Kulavantas Chhatrapati Raje Shivaji". The Rajyabhishek did not end with this. The Coronation ceremony was marked by the beginning of the new Era Known as "Shiv Rajyabhisheka Shaka". The coronation of any king had to be approved by the Mughal Emperor but Shivaji challenged the Mughal authority. In this way, Shivaji was formally declared as the independent King of Maratha Empire.
Special Gold Hon Coin were minted and distributed for this joyous occasion. Known as "hon", the coin bears the legend "Shi Raja Shiv" on the obverse and "Chatra Pati" on the reverse. These coins are sought after by collectors all over the world due to their historical significance and rarity. 

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